It has always been important for me to be charitable where I can.
After achieving the milestone of my 10th anniversary working with Holidaysplease in 2016,
I wanted to find an innovative way to 'give back'.
Since that time, I have donated for every person that I have booked to travel. The Holidaysplease directors kindly supported this initiative when they generously agreed to match me pound for pound, and I sincerely thank and applaud them for continuing to do so to this day.
As a result, I am very proud to have contributed more than £2,500 to charities so far that include Great Ormond Street Hospital, Cancer Research, Shelter and, last year, to Child Autism UK.
Generally, I like to change my nominated charity every year but due to the pandemic and the resulting significant reduction in bookings, I would like to renew my support for Child Autism UK in 2021. All children have had a terribly difficult time throughout the pandemic but none more so than those affected by this condition.
Now more than ever, I feel that it is so important to slow down and take a look around us. Charity comes in many forms, as simple as a sympathetic ear to listen, a quick check-in and chat with someone in need or donations to help a worthy cause.
2021 is going to be an awfully tough year for many. We can only take responsibility for our own actions and intentions, and I have pledged to offer what help and assistance I am able to whenever I can.
Thanks for your support.